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近年の優れた日本企業における人材育成の方法と本質について  いくつかの事例研究からー

日本優良企業人才培育本質之研究 以複數個案為例


平野 文彦

Fumihiko Hirano


Professor, Department of Economics, Nihon University



はじめに -本研究の限定的視点



しかし、近年においては、科学技術と産業技術の発展、特に通信技術の急速な発展によって、世界の国々が、相互の距離を縮めただけにとどまらず、それによって科学・産業の諸技術の相互移転もかなりのスピードをもって進むようになっている現実がある。その結果、民間の企業ではあっても、新たな消費者利益、地域利益、社会利益、さらには国家利益ないしは人類利益などを創造していくことを視野に入れない限りは、企業間競争に勝って存続していくということが、ますます困難になっているように思われる。また近年においては経営資源の確保、為替差益の獲得、あるいは企業の M&A (合併・買収)などが、いっそう投機的に行われ易い環境が生じていることから、過度に金融に頼る国家の中には、自国を含む国家経済をも自らの利益対象のターゲットとするような資本の横暴 に手を焼くことも少なくなってきているように思われる。





本稿は 2009 年 10 月 12 に台湾の大華技術学院において開催された国際商務経営人材培育検討会に招待されて報告した論文である。

 日本大学経済学部教授。日本における実践経営学会会長、日本賃金学会会長、日本労務学会副代表理事。専門は経営学( business management )。特に人的資源管理( Human resource Management )の側面から、「経営」という「経営者の行動」と「事業組織の成果」との関係に重点をおいた研究を続けている。日本大学大学院経済学研究科において、「高品質経営論( High Quality Business Management )」を講義している。これは特に、競争力をもった優れた企業に焦点を絞って、その「経営の卓越性( Excellence )」の背景や構造を研究するものである。トム・ピーターズ( Thomas.J.Peters )とロバート・ウォーターマン( Waterman,J r .Robert H. )の研究、『 In Search of Excellence 』(日本語訳では『エクセレント・カンパニー』 1983 )に触発された研究である。また日本大学大学院グローバルビジネス研究科において「人材マネジメント論」を担当( 2005 年)。

人口 30 万人ほどのアイスランド( Iceland )は国内の主要産業が金融業という金融立国として発展を遂げてきた。国外から資金を借り入れ、外貨建てで運用・融資していたが、 2008 年 10 月、それが焦げ付き、国内大手 3 行の借り入れが何と GDP の 5 倍となった。政府は 3 行を国有化し、非常事態を宣言したが、大量の資金が国外に流出し、通貨が暴落。サムライ債(円建て外債)などがデフォルト宣言され、事実上、国家破産してしまっている。

G 8 、G 20 など。



With More Smile and Social Concerning: Why We Need New Approach to International Business Education



James Yu-Shan Liu


大華技術學院 教務長

Dean, Academic Affairs, Ta Hwa Institute of Technology




This short paper is to discuss the current problem related with our business education, especially the MBA –level education. With financial tsunami causing the most serious world-wide recession and economic down-turn since World-War-Two, many are accusing people holding once gilded jobs of Wall Street. Moreover, many are blaming the profit-driven and self-interested programs provided in our business education system. With this in mind, we are going to discuss what is wrong with our business education, and how should we correct it. The author proposed, initially, the 4C , new approaches to business education, particularly the international business education. We propose that the prevailing course standards and teaching methods which are so much praised in the prestigious American or European business schools, such as Harvard, should be critically reviewed and proper actions being taken.


Keywords : Financial Tsunami, international business education, 4C's approaches



The Study of Taiwanese Online Sellers' Ethics and Online Buyers' Trust in Electronic Commerce



1 Assistant Professor, Ling Tung University

2 Assistant Professor , Hsiuping Institute of Technology  


Due to Internet's rapid development, electronic commerce becomes a new way for businesses to market products online. Many people like shopping online because of the convenience. However, when consumers shop online, some concerns emerge, such as worries of how personal data will be used, how secure the online site is, and whether or not the Website should be trusted. This paper studies Taiwanese online sellers' ethics and online buyers' trust in electronic commerce.

Trust in Internet shopping was measured on the five-point Likert rating scale. 230 questionnaires were delivered to seven companies and two schools in Taiwan, in which 217 effective questionnaires were returned (94.34% response rate). SPSS statistical software was used.

The results reveal that perceived online security, perceived online privacy, Internet experience, and third-party assurance seal are positively associated with online consumer trust, and perceived risk is negatively associated with online consumer trust. In addition, there is no difference between male and female online shoppers on the issue of online consumer trust, nor is there a difference between single and married online consumers issue.


Keywords: E-commerce, E-business, Online Marketing, Online Ethics, Online Trust



Building competency models for MICE professionals



Wei-Wen Wu, Yu-Ting Lee

1 Associate Professor, Department of International Trade, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology

2 Professor, College of Business & Management, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology


The MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) industry can bring out great business opportunity, and contributing to both regional and national economic development and tourism prosperity. Although numerous studies have discussed such issues regarding operation and management for the MICE industry, few studies have focused on the tasks of how to build and apply the competency models for the MICE professionals. To advance the MICE industry, it is required to effectively integrate software and hardware as well as operating mechanisms. However, the key factor in successfully boosting the MICE industry is dependent on the competences of related human resources. Therefore, this paper aims to develop competency models for MICE planners and managers.


Keywords: MICE industry, competency, competency model.



An Assessment of Service Quality of Retail Chain Stores in Taiwan: the Application of Competitiveness Indices



Mei-Li Chou 1 , Cheng-Che Chiang 2 , Lin Ho-Cheng 3 , Jr-Ching Chiou 4

1 Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Far East University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Far East University

3 Professor, General Education Center, Far East University

4 Master, Department of Literature, Nanhua University


This research uses diversified evaluation indicators to assess the service quality of retail chain stores in Taiwan . The core of this research is composed of five dimensions of SERVQUAL and different testing techniques: consumer questionnaire, observation method from consumer perspectives, and interviews with front-line service employees. We elaborated 27 evaluation items to evaluate service quality in retail chain stores. Data collections were from four retail chain stores in Taiwan : Rt-mart, Carrefour, Fe-geant, and Taisugar. Findings include the followings. Rt-mart had advantages in the aspects of completeness of commodity and convenience of searching commodities. Some customers referred that they didn't receive service politeness offered from staff of Carrefour and Fe-geant. Some dealers were found to be not complying with the food safety standards; t he P rofessional consultation and quality control systems of vegetables, fruits and cooked food division of these stores were not enough; I t took longer to return deficient items in Carrefour and Fe-geant, compared to the other two retail chain stores. System of store safety in Carrefour. It is hoped that the research results can serve as reference for future improvement.


Keywords: evaluation index, observation method, retail chain store



Service Quality of 3C Retail Channels, an Analysis Using PZB model



Chen-Yi Hsu 1 , Ya-Hui Xie 2 , Ya-Mei Xie 3 , Cheng-Chang Chung 4

1 Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, Kainan University

2 Associate Professor, Department of International Business, Kainan University

3 Associate Professor, Business Administration, Nanya Institute of Technology

4 Department of International Business, Kainan University



Due to the advancing of living standard, shifting for ways of living, globalization of consumer market, and development of information technology in recent years, the retail channels of 3C industry have begun to evolve rapidly. With the coming recession period, the competition between the channels has begun to surface. Consumers are demanding better service quality form the channel, other than the quality of the products alone. In this research, along with the literature review, we use the 5 dimensions of PZB service quality model to construct the hierarchy structure of service quality indicators of 3C channels. Based on the surveys from the frequent consumers and utilizing AHP methodology, we conclude with the weights and orders of essential characteristics of service quality for 3C retail channels.

Keywords: Service Quality, PZB model, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP).




The Influence of the Japan-Mongolia Relationship after the Mongol Invasions of Japan



Chin-Yen Hsu


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,

Nan Jeon Institute of Technology

E-mail :


The Mongol invasion of Japan in the late 13 th century was the major military operations after its conquering of the Asian and European continents. These military operations also had great impacts on Kamakura Bakuhu. However, the reason for Mongolian invasion of Japan, how the Kamakura Bakuhu dealt with the invasion, and what impacts the invasion made had the Japan-Mongol relations, are issues. Worthy of study, There are many research papers on these issues, but most of them focusing on Japanese side. This paper is to re-examine the Japan-Mongolia relations in that period and study Mongol invasion of Japan from the viewpoint of international relations.

eywords: The Mongol Invasions , Kamakura Bakuhu, T he Japan-Mongolia Relationship



The Ejima Affair: The Most Serious Power Struggle in the Ooku



Chun-Pin Su

Assistant Professor, the Department of Administrative Management, Chinese Culture University



The Ooku was the Shogun's inner palace, where his wife and concubines lived. Over there, many women battled for power as well as love. During the reign of Shogun Ietsugu, Lady Gekoin, the previous Shogun's concubine and the current Shogun's mother conflicted with Lady Tenein, the previous Shogun's wife. Once, Ejima, a high-ranking lady in the Ōoku and Gekoin's close friend, visited the grave of the previous Shogun but missed the closing of the gates when she returned to the Ooku late because she attended a Kabuki performance and invited the main actor to a reception at a tea house before her return. Tenein seized the opportunity to launch an investigation of the Ooku. In this so-clled “Ejima Affair,” ultimately 1500 persons were punished and Ejima was placed in custody at the Takato field. The Ejima affair, thus, became the most serious power struggle in the Ooku during the Edo period.

eywords: the Ōoku, Tokugawa Shogunate, the Ejima Affair, Gekoin, Tenein