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The globalization of enterprises and the direction of fostering human resources


Masa-Hiro Yoko Yama

日本星城大學 經營學部 教授

Professor, Departments of Business Administration, Seijoh University

日本國愛知縣東海市富貴之台 2-172

電話 : 81-52-6016-000


概 要

日本の多国籍企業は、人的資源の多国籍化した international 段階にあるが、多くの企業は日本人主導の経営が行われ、人材育成も日本からの派遣従業員の育成が重視されており、 Global 段階に移行している企業は少ない。グローバル化には、現地企業のローカルな創造性を生かすことが有効である。そのために、理念の浸透・アイデンティティの共有による従業員の創造性の発揮、日本的雇用慣行の止揚による長期的かつグローバルなキャリア形成によって、人材を育成することが期待される。

キーワード :人的資源管理の類型、価値アイデンティティ、創造的人材、日本的雇用慣行の止揚


The Japanese multi-national enterprises are at the international stage of human resources. But many local enterprises, business are managed by Japanese executives, and about fostering human resources, Japanese enterprises also make much of Japanese employee who are dispatched from Japan, so, few Japanese enterprises have moved to global stage of human resources. It is effective in the globalization to utilize creativity of local enterprises. Therefor e , global enterprises are expected to foster creative human resources by penetrating enterprise's idea, Identity, and long-term global career development by sublating Japanese employment custom.

Keywords : Pattern of human resource management, value identity, creative human resource sublating, Japanese employment custom


Trends in the Development of Internationalization and International Education in Japanese Universities

盧 聰明

Tsong-Ming LU

日本星城大學 經營學部 教授

Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration, Seijoh University

日本國愛知縣東海市富貴之台 2-172

電話 : 81-52-6016000




關鍵字 :國際化、全球化、大學全入學時代、教員任期制、雙聯學制


This paper focus es on the recent strategy of internationalization in Japanese u niversities and analy ses its background and the trend of development . Also , after sketching this study in probable scope, we can find th at internationalization and international education are in communion as well as complementary to each other. We wish the readers can find the situations and issues of the current internationalization and international education in Japanese u niversities through this paper.

Keywords: Internationalization, Globalization, the Era of Unrestricted Admission to University, the Contract System of Professor, Dual Degree System

Global Management Competency: Perspectives in the wake of Financial Tsunami


James Y. S. Liu



Associate Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs

Director of Continuation Education School

Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan



This paper discusses briefly implication of global financial turmoil caused initially by U.S. sub-prime loan crisis. It also touches on ethics-related issues concerning behavior of financial people in particular and global managers in general. It is argued that the traditional approach toward global management competency may be no longer complete as 1) global network of value chain has made performance of global managers along this chain more interdependent on one another, and 2) managers in charge of domestic-based operations may not insulate themselves from the foreign disastrous performance on which they can not be held accountable. In the case of financial turmoil mentioned before, it is quite clear that HQs of global financial Giants (like AIG) may be sapped and knocked by a misconduct of a far-away subsidiary employee, and still could not understand why all this happened. Our initial conclusion is if this Turmoil lesson can teach us anything, it is must be borne in mind that there is no easy way for cultivating global management human resources now as well as before.


The Movement of High Technology Human Resources from Other Countries to Taiwan- Transition from Brain Drain, Brain Gain to Brain Diversion


Dah-June Lin

國際企業學系 開南大學 副教授

Associate Professor, Department of International Business, Kai-Nan University



本文旨在探討台灣高科技人才延攬政策自 1959 年發展以來,歷經人才外流 (Brain Drain) 、人才回流 (Brain Gain) 至人才分流 (Brain Diversion) 的演變,此一政策已促使台灣高科技產業穩健發展,特別對 IT 產業之建立,功不可沒。 IT 產業已成為台灣經濟發展的重要支柱之一,面臨人力短缺時,要求政府應提出對策,目前台灣政府解決辦法傾向以國外延攬為主,對於今後台灣高科技人力資源發展的規劃架構與策略以及如何加強台日雙方科技合作,進一步開放兩岸科技人才交流,創造兩岸經貿互惠雙贏的優勢,提出作者個人初步構想,藉收集思廣益,拋磚引玉的效果。

關鍵字 :人才外流 (Brain Drain) 、人才回流 (Brain Gain) 、人才分流 (Brain Diversion)



Taiwan high-tech manpower recruitment policy began from 1959. It is indisputable that Taiwan high-tech industries were been well sustained by this successful policy, especially for the establishment of IT industry in Taiwan. In the 70's, the first group of brain drain high-tech manpower came back from U.S.A., they were the foremost new force for the IT industry in Taiwan. Since 1979, Taiwan government has been zealously emphasize the importance of high-tech manpower recruitment from overseas Chinese or foreign guest workers. In hope of them to introduce new technology and scientific culture from advanced industrial countries to raise the competitive advantage of Taiwan high-tech industries.


Competency development using the competency model and the rough sets theory


Yu-Ting Lee

大華 技術學院 國際貿易系 副教授

Associate Professor, Department of International Trade, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology

e-mail :


優質的人力資源,實乃企業成功和產業發展之關鍵要素。職能模型的妥善應用,可以幫助企業將人力資本轉化為競爭優勢。然而,台灣的中小企業面臨因人手不足、職能專業知識或可用經費有限,無力導入職能制度。為此,本研究將幫助個案公司發展出適當的職能模型,並據以建立職能本位的人力資源管理,從而應用在員工教育訓練與能力 開發 ,進以提升企業的競爭優勢。透過本研究計畫案,對合作關係的個案公司而言,可以專注於製品 開發 與產銷管理,並且,兼顧提升產業技術及人才培育。為此,本研究的主要目的,係以職能相關理論為基礎,並且運用約略集理論作為研究方法,為個案公司發展出一套適用的職能模型,導入以職能為導向的能力發展,進而提升人力資源的國際競爭力。

關鍵字 : 能力發展;職能模型;約略集理論


In order to maintain competitiveness, enterprises have an ongoing need to identify and foster competencies for their employees. If the development and use of competency models are successful, enterprises will leverage and transform human capital into competitive advantages. However, due to the lack of expertise and fiscal resources, it is difficult for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to develop a competency model. Hence, this study employs Rough Sets Theory approach to develop a competency model by which the case company can successfully implement the competency-based training and better utilize human resources to increase the global competency.

Keywords : Competency development, Competency model, Rough set theory.


The Study of Government Human Capital Improvement Strategies


Hsiao-Lin Wang


PH D Candidate, Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University/ Section Chief, Central Election Commission Executive Yuan



近 年來人力管理理論與實務,已逐漸由人力資源( human resource )觀點轉變為人力資本( human capital )觀點。人力資本觀點將員工視為已經由教育、訓練等投資,富有創造力與生產力,且為個人所擁有,不會隨組織而移轉之資產,此與人力資源觀點將員工視為組織未經開發之潛在資源,有極大之差異。我國公務人員素質向來優異,政府如何將此高素質之人力資本轉變為國家競爭力之資源?並在政府再造過程中,促使政府人力資本良性流動,同時避免發生劣幣驅逐良幣之反淘汰現象,應為政府再造過程必須正視且實踐之當務之急。

關鍵字: 人力資本、人力資源、政府再造、國家競爭力。


Human resource management theory and practice has shifted from the perspective of human resource to human capital gradually in recent years. Human capital perspective regard employees as assets of invested by educated and trained and abound in capacities of creativity and productivity, it owned by individuals not transferred with organizations. This is different from human resource perspective regarded employees as undeveloped potential resources of organizations. The quality of public servants always outstanding in Taiwan, government how to transfer it into the resources of national competitiveness, and prompt healthy flows ,at the same time avoid anti-competition. It should be an urgent issue in the process of r eengineering government.

Keywords: human capital, human resource, national competitiveness, reengineering government.


New Developments in Japan's Consumer Protection Policies

楊 忠 意

Chung-I Yang

景文科技大學 應用日語系 副教授

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Japanese,

Jinwen University of Science & Technology



日本的『消費者保護基本法』於 1968 年在經濟高度發展,而損害到消費者利益的情況下,為明確消費者政策的基本方向、確保國民消費生活的穩定與水準的提高,透過立法而制定的。惟後由於消費者利益損害的案例增加,社會經濟環境也發生了變化,被視為消費者政策的憲法之『消費者保護基本法』,從制定開始歷經 40 年來,其基本內容未曾修正,成了沒有規定『消費者權利』等不符合時代潮流的法律,消費者團體及律師協會等亦曾多次要求修改。在此一背景下,日本「國民生活審議會議消費者政策會」開始對『 21 世紀型消費者政策的應有狀態』,透過國會的立法審議通過公佈實施,其名稱更正為『消費者基本法』,並將它作為確立 21 世紀消費者政策的基本方針。本研究依序探討日本『消費者保護基本法』修改的主要內容,希望有助於國人對新的消費意識法律能更進一步瞭解。

關鍵字 :消費者保護基本法、國民消費生活、消費者權利、消費者基本法、



Japan passed and implemented its 「 Consumer Protection Basic Act 」 in 1968, at a time when high economic growth development was infringing upon consumer interests, to clarify the basic principles toward consumer policies, and to ensure that national consumption habits remain at a stable and high level. Unfortunately, due to rising cases of consumer interest violation, plus changes in social and economic patterns, has made the 40 year old law, which was never updated or amended appear inappropriate. It has become a outdated regulation that does not incorporate 「 consumer rights 」 issues, and has been under request for changes by various consumer groups and lawyer associations. Under these circumstances, the Consumer Policy Committee under the Japanese Quality-of-Life Policy Bureau decided to move forward in structuring 「 Consumer Policies and Behavior of the 21 st Century 」 , and enforcing it as law via congress law-makers. Changing its name to 「 Consumer Basic Act 」 , it serves as the basic benchmark for 21 st century consumer policies. This research examines the main content changes within the Japanese 「 Consumer Protection Basic Act 」 , hoping that it will be helpful in further understanding the new trend in consumer conception law.

Keywords: Consumer Protection Basic Act, Consumption habits, Consumer rights, Consumer basic act, Consumer conception

以 AHP 法建構 創新育成中心評估指標之研究

A Study of Using AHP to Model Performance Evaluation Index of Incubator Center

葉鳴朗 1 、 解麗文 1 、 蔡志弘 2

Ming-Lang Yeh 1 , Li-Wen Hsieh 1 and Chih-Hung Tsai 2

1 中華大學 經營管理研究所

1 Graduate School of Business Administration, Chung-Hua University

2 大華技術學院 工業工程與管理系

2 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology



21 世紀是以科技創新帶動成長的新經濟時代,科技能力與產業規模攸關國家競爭力,所以創新是提升國家競爭力的必要動力,特別是現今面臨台灣傳統產業逐漸失去競爭力,透過育成中心 (Incubator Center) 扮演催生以創新技術為核心競爭力的新興科技公司則越為重要,但如何對新興科技公司的生存及發展予以協助,是育成中心經營時所要面對的非常重要與迫切的議題,現有對育成中心之績效評估方式,卻無法有效衡量育成中心對新興科技公司之培育能力。是故本研究應用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 及專家問卷訪談,建構一套可量化指標,以期評估育成中心對新興科技公司培育之績效。研究結果按其權重排序分別為:新興科技總家數、新興科技公司所佔比率、新技術數目、平均每一家新興科技公司所有的技術數目、育成中心協助新興科技公司取得科技研發計劃數量、育成中心協助新興科技公司將專利技術商品化的數量。本研究結果可提供相關單位擬定創新育成中心績效評估之參考,可藉由評估指標之趨動力量,更有效帶動台灣產業創新之發展。育成中心之經理人也可參考本研究之結果,再思考育成中心營運方向與方法,以更能切中新興科技公司之需求,為國家培育出更多優良的新興科技事業,打造國家創新競爭力。

關鍵字: 育成中心、績效評估、層級分析


Technology innovation is the driving power of economic growth in the 21 st century. National competitiveness is composed of both innovation capability and economic scale. Therefore, the innovation is the necessity of competitiveness. In the time of transformation of traditional industries, it is extremely important to cultivate the new high-tech firms with the support service provided by incubators. Nevertheless, it is more important to build effective and efficient incubators so that they could provide necessary resources to nascent high-tech firms. The performance evaluation methods now widely adapted in the incubator industry, however, fail to deliver an effective evaluation by which the incubator's capability is well accessed. Thus, this paper is written to provide an assessment framework of incubators by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with the expert interviews. Based on the this research, nine sets of criteria are identified and incorporated in the assessment framework: the total number of new firms, high-tech firms ratio, total number of patents owned by all new firms, the patent density, government funding support, the number of technology commercialization. The framework could be applied to examine the effectiveness of incubators from the perspective of high-tech venture creation. To meet the needs of innovative technology firms, the paper is concluded with the recommendation to incubators' executives that incubators' services and support should be prioritized in accordance with these six indicators above. We expect that the innovative high-tech firms grow from the supportive incubators would greatly improve national competitiveness.

Keywords: Incubator Center, Performance evaluation, Analytic Hierarchy Process