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- 兼論金融危機中的台灣經濟 -

An Analysis on the Relationship Between East Asia Economic Development and Changes in Taiwan Industrial Structure


Cheng-Yih Hong


Department of Management, Chaoyang University of Technology


當今世界版圖中,形成所謂的「世界經濟三極化體制」,分別為以美國為中心的 NAFTA ( N orth A merica F ree T rade A greement) ,歐盟以及 東亞區域經濟圈,在貿易以及資本的自由化,國際化,全球化進展下,將此 「三極化體制」緊密結合在一起。 全球 50 億人口,其中亞洲占了 30 億,亞洲是一個「龐大消費市場」,這個「龐大消費市場」包含了「世界工廠」之稱的中國,與「世界 IT 基地」的印度。在東亞區域當中有 日本,和台灣、韓國、新加坡及香港所形成的「新興工業經濟體」 ( NIEs :N ewly I ndustrializing E conomie s) ,以及緊接在後的泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、印尼等構成的「東南亞國協」 ( ASEAN :A ssociation S outh e ast A sian N ations) ,這些國家扮演戰後提供國際市場的商品需求,台灣也是在這樣的背景下,發展產業並創下高度的經濟成長。


由產業關聯分析模型估算出 WTO 加盟前後輸出變化要因與投入係數變化要因扮演台灣經濟成長的重要角色,兩岸經貿的形態呈現出國際分工,進口中間財,經過加工後以最終財輸出,是屬於垂直式,生產分工型的產業內貿易,台灣對中國大陸的貿易中,以「纖維」部門是典型代表。

2008 年的金融危機對台灣的經濟影響很大,也產生大量的失業人數,要改善這種現象需視美國房地產價格止跌回升與美國實體經濟回復而定。

關鍵詞 :產業結構,產業關聯分析模型,產業內貿易,金融危機


In the world economy, three economic systems are distributed now. These are NAFTA ( N orth A merica F ree T rade A greement ) , EU and East Asia. Under the liberalization and the globalization, economic relations are concluded more closely. World population is 5,000,000,000, but Asia 3,000,000,000 hold population. Asia is a big consumption market. In this area , China is called “Factory of the World” , India is called “IT production center of the World” . In East Asia area, Japanese ,NIEs (N ewly I ndustrializing E conomie s ) and ASEAN ( A ssociation S outh e ast A sian N ations ) are included.

Chinese economy gives East Asia big influence. Taiwanese industry structure must adjust it. A result of the adjustment of the Taiwan industry structure will depend on a China's economy. This study analyzed Taiwan economy with an I-O (Input-output) method.

2008 subprime mortgage influence in Taiwan economy. As for the financial crisis, the unemployment rate increases. The recovery of the Taiwan economy (is time )when American house price rises.

Key words: globalization, Industrial Structure, Input-output model




移轉訂價對企業經營績效之影響 -


The Effect of Transfer Pricing on Business Performance:

An Empirical Study of Enterprises investing in China

李正文 黃小芬

Cheng-Wen Lee Portia Huang


Associate Professor, Department of International Trade, Chung-Yuan Christian University



Department of International Trade, Chung-Yuan Christian University


近年來,台灣企業在國際化與全球化之下產生極大的變化,對外投資的金額遽升,多國籍企業投資人及其會計師,用盡心思以租稅負擔極小化來達到利潤極大化目的。自 2005 年起台灣正式實施移轉訂價法令,本研究採用資料包絡分析法來衡量企業在法令實施前後經營績效的變化,以在台上市電子業 38 家公司為樣本,研究期間為 2003 年至 2005 年。利用 CCR 模式與 BCC 模式來探討無效率之原因。實證結果發現, 2003 年有 8 家具整體技術效率, 2004 年有 9 家具整體技術效率, 2005 年有 15 家具整體技術效率,其中有 6 家連續三年皆呈現整體效率佳之情況。而不具整體技術效率之公司主要在於投資過多,營業收入不足。因全球化稅務管理趨於一致,未來企業在整體上的管理,稅務成本的減少將不再是唯一的考量,本研究提供企業和政府在執行政策應考量的方向。

關鍵詞: 移轉訂價、資料包絡分析法、技術效率


In recent years, the amount of foreign investments by Taiwan's enterprises has grown up enormously. The investors of the multinational enterprises and CPAs attempt to maximize the global profit by minimizing the tax burden. This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate business performance of enterprises -- before and after Taiwan's government adopting the “transfer pricing” regulation in 2005 -- and employ CCR and BCC to explore the reasons of causing low efficiency. The data are gathered from the sample of 38 electrical companies in open market during 2003~2005 period. The results show 8 companies with technical efficiency in 2003, 9 companies in 2004, and 15 companies in 2005. Besides, most companies reach constant return scale. Taxation is not only one consideration taken into investments, and how to make better business performance is more emphazied. This study provides some suggestions for decision-makers of governmental policy.

Keywords: transfer pricing, Data Envelopment Analysis, technical efficiency





Service Sciences and Service innovation strategies


Wei-Wen Wu

大華 技術學院 國際貿易系 副教授

Associate Professor, Department of International Trade, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology



無論在個別企業或在整體經濟之中,服務的角色與地位,具有明顯而優越的重要性。對已發展國家而言,服務部門佔國內生產毛額 (GDP) 的比重約達 75% ,並且,服務業遠比農業和製造業,雇用更多勞工。今日,各種企業經營都越來越倚重基於服務的商業運作,即使是製造業,在其經營模式之中,也必須整合與納進服務收入。為求理解與掌握服務創新對於全球經濟和商業環境的影響與意涵,服務科學的發展與促進,實有必要。服務科學的終極目標,在於增進服務創新。本文除探討服務科學的相關課題之外,也提出一些有益於思考服務創新策略的基礎概念,以供作為後續研究和實務應用之參考。

關鍵字 : 服務科學、服務創新策略


The dominant role of services in individual businesses and entire economies has become evident. The service sector comprises roughly 75 percent of the gross domestic product of developed nations and employs more people worldwide than either agriculture or manufacturing. Nowadays, all kinds of companies are more and more reliant on service-based business. Even though manufacturing companies, they are generating significant revenues by incorporating services into their business models. Grasping the growing significance of service innovation in the global economy and the business world, there is a need to develop service sciences which aims to increase service innovation. This paper addresses the issues of service sciences as well as proposes the basics of service innovation strategies.

Keywords: Service sciences; Service innovation strategy.




探討 S 外商銀行購併 H 本土銀行後之策略研究 -

以 AHP 為例

Post Acquisition Strategy for Foreign Banks:

An Analysis using AHP

徐承毅 謝雅惠 鍾承璋 朱浩軒

Chen-Yi Hsu Ya-Hui Xie Cheng-Chang Chung Hao-Hsuan Chu

開南大學 國際企業學系

Dept. of International Business, Kainan University

E-mail: ; ;


本研究主要是希望透過 S 外商銀行其併購 H 本土銀行之案例,了解金融購併及其策略,並且希望探討全球經濟低迷之下,該銀行如何重新自我定位,制定新的策略走向和營運方針,透過層級分析法,加以分析市場、企業及員工等三個構面來探討在購併案之後,個案公司的經營策略應該重視哪些層面,作為未來相關產業面臨類似情形時的參考與建議。

關鍵字: 層級分析法、銀行購併


In this research, we analyze the case for the acquisition of local bank H by the foreign bank S to probe into the financial acquisition strategy and market positioning. Further, by using AHP to analyze the phases of market, corporate and employees, we intend to find out how should banks reposition themselves and set up new direction for strategy and operations under current global economic downturn.

Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis (AHP), Bank Amalgamation





The Disputes and Perspectives of the Kuril Islands Issue


Chin-Yen Hsu

南榮技術學院 企業管理學系 專任助理教授

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,

Nan Jeon Institute of Technology




關鍵字 :北方領土、千島群島、日俄關係、冷戰、東北亞安全


The Kuril Islands, or Hoppo Ryoto in Japanese, which means the Northern territories, are small islands between Japan and Russia. Both Japan and Russia claim sovereignty over them. The dispute on the islands arose after the Second World War, but this dispute can be traced back to their long-term competition since the 18 th century. Their disputes on these islands influenced not only Russo-Japanese relations but also Northeast Asian safety. This paper is intended to analyze the background and element of Russo-Japanese cold war and analyze the resolution of their disputes from the study of the Kuril Islands issue.

Keywords: The Northern territories, The Kuril Islands, Russo-Japanese relations, Cold war, Northeast Asian safety





影響研究 ~ 以某研發中心為例

Research on the Influences of Manager's Leadership and Technical Knowledge on the R&D Team Performance:

A Case of R&D Center

1 葉鳴朗、 2 楊予筑、 3 蔡志弘

1 Ming-Lang Yeh, 2 Yu-Chu Yang and 3 Chih-Hung Tsai

1 中華大學 經營管理所 助理教授

1 Assistant Professor, Department and Graduate School of Business Administration

Chung-Hua University

1 中華大學 經營管理研究所 碩士

1 Department and Graduate School of Business Administration

Chung-Hua University

2 大華技術學院 工業工程與管理系教授

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology




關鍵字: 領導行為、團隊績效、研發團隊


Taiwan's economy development relies heavily on high-tech industries. The innovation and research of high-tech industry is based on R&D team's intelligence assets. And, it is crucial to company's core competitive advantages. Thus, the coordination of these technology and knowledge of R&D team are essential to these high-tech companies. The R&D team manager's leadership and technical knowledge will affect the effectiveness of the team's performance. In this study, it shows that benevolent manager, autocracy manager and technical knowledge of the manager affects the performance of the R&D team significantly. In two factors analysis, it shows that benevolent manager with technical knowledge affects the performance of R&D team significantly. And, this analysis shows that it is significant that autocracy manager with technical knowledge affects R&D team's performance. In addition, autocracy manager with technical knowledge has better influence on team's performance than benevolent manager with technical knowledge do.

Keywords: Leadership, Team Performance, R&D Team





The Relationship between Non-audit Service Provision and Auditors' Opinions in Taiwanese Firms: An Application of Simultaneous Equations

蔡璧徽 盧玥礽

Bi-Huei Tsai, Yueh-Reng Lu

國立交通大學 管理科學研究所 助理教授

Assisdent Professor, Department of Management Science,

National Chiao Tung University

國立交通大學 管理科學研究所 碩士

Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University


安隆( Enron )公司案例凸顯「會計師兼辦其他業務」是審計與公司治理的重要議題,本研究即是同時考量審計供給面與需求面,採用聯立迴歸實證分析方法,探討會計師同時提供審計及非審計服務與會計師出具查核意見兩者間的交互影響;並進一步驗證「 公開發行公司年報應行記載事項準則 」第十一條第四項規範「公司財務報表應揭露會計師兼營重大非審計服務」的政策是否符合立法意旨。本研究先針對 2002 年至 2006 年 6,040 筆台灣上市公司作測試,研究結果發現會計師對同一客戶同時提供非審計服務且金額佔審計服務的比例重大,會計師較易出具標準式無保留意見,此外,受查公司公司治理差者,會計師又無提供重大的非審計服務,會計師會更傾向出具非標準式無保留意見,會計師基於未來面臨訴訟風險的威脅,將出具較保守的審計意見。尤其,非審計服務與查核意見聯立迴歸結果發現受查公司會透過委任會計師從事非審計服務,給予會計師經濟依賴的誘因,影響會計師出具意見,損及會計師的獨立性。
